Make a Difference in a Baby's Life

From essential care + baby supplies to empowering families + supporting communities

Make a Difference in a Baby's Life image

HCO Kenya needs our help! Your support makes a difference in the life of a baby. As babies wait to go home with their families, we can help provide basic needs and care for their wellbeing. Once they go home with families, we can help the entire family by enhancing their stability and security for long-lasting success. From new shoes for toddler learning to walk to a tank to help a family reclaim water your donation has lasting impact. Let's join together to HCO meet more needs for babies and their families!


Field Worker Social Worker Salary

Social Work Cont. Education/Certification

Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration System

Baby Formula - $1200 per month

Baby/Toddler Clothes Shopping (denim, sleepwear, sweaters, etc)

Toddler Shoes

Staff Certifications & Registrations

Exterior Baby House Repair/Paint

Baby House Interior Ceiling Repair

Greenhouse Update/Repair

Reclaimed Water Tanks & Upgraded Holding Water Tank

Exterior water Pump (reclaimed water)

Monthly Flour/Cooking Oil Employee Economy Help

Baby Carseat & Carrier

Baby Bedroom & Playroom Curtains