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Cost of Care

what does it take to care for our babies?

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$20,000 goal

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Because our goal is for babies to leave our home to go with their families, we do not want to have a sponsorship program for our babies. We do, however, want to ensure that every baby that comes into our home has their physical needs met. The cost of caring for a baby is quite high. They require a great deal of time and attention, and because our babies have already experienced trauma in their lives, we have a lot of love to give and healing to facilitate. We have a very high staff to baby ratio, and because babies are babies, they do require around-the-clock care, 7 days a week. In addition to that, all the basic physical needs of newborns adds up! Formula is expensive. All babies require medical care, some more than others. We want to be prepared, knowing that whatever babies are brought into our home, we are financially prepared to care for them. Your monthly gift can help ensure that each baby is lovingly and adequately cared for.